प्लगइन टॅग: buddypress
Jet Random Members Widget
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)en: Create a cloud of users on your social network! Do you have many users? Do you want more communication? Install this widget!
BuddyPress Private Messages for Followers Only
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Allow members to send private messages only if the recipient is following them. Requires the BuddyPress Followers plugin.
Disable bbPress Profile Override
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)bbPress profile URLs are overridden by BuddyPress. This plugin removes that override so bbPress member profiles are available.
BuddyPress FollowMe
(5 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Buddypress Follow Me is fork of BuddyPress Follow plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-followers/). buddypress-followers is now upda …
BuddyPress Instaban
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)BuddyPress Instaban allows site administrators to quickly remove problem members with a single click.
BuddyPress Group Twitter
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Attach Twitter accounts to a BuddyPress group then aggregate and track tweets within that group.
BuddyPress Activity Stream as Blog Comments
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin will replace the blog comments section with the activity stream reply system
Jet Event System for BuddyPress
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The modern System of events for your social network. Ability to attract members of the network to the ongoing activities, etc.
BuddyPress No Mentions
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Disable the @mentions capability in BuddyPress. Perfect for users who don't understand Twitter!
BuddyPress Group Default Avatar
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Adds a default group avatar to BuddyPress. Configure the image URL via the option page.
Jet Blog List
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Provides a list of blogs sorted by last update (the last activity on the blog) in two columns.
Buddypress and qTranslate
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Plugin for optimize qTranslate for Buddypress and support of BP Admin bar
LH Event Tickets RSVPs
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Improves the display of Modern Trtibes Event Tickets RSVP's, dramatically
Codeies – Elite user Ratings
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Elite User ratings allows your visitors to submit user reviews with a 1-5 star rating on your website
LH Dequeue Buddypress
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Dequeue the scripts and styles that buddypress adds for non logged in users.
Personalized Activity for Buddypress – Friends, Following, Admin
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Makes Buddypress Activity Personalized For Users, by Including Activity Feeds Only From Users They Are Friends With, Users They Are Following And Administrator of Your Community.
BP Delegated XProfile
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Enables delegating a user's Extended Profile for editing by other users.
Activity Feed Anywhere
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Activity Feed Anywhere adds a custom BuddyPress activity post box and/or feed on any page.
WP Uploaders Only
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin fixes the bug of allowing users to access and delete other users uploaded content.