प्लगइन टॅग: Frontend
Tailor Page Builder: WooCommerce Extension
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Create a stylish storefront with this powerful extension for the free Tailor frontend page builder!
LH Xprofile forms
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Decouple Xprofile forms from the profile and signup screens via a shortcode
ACF Page Level
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Sometimes you want to show the field groups based on the page level right? Well here you go. Enjoy!
CSS Versioning
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Aggiunge un parametro di versione ai file CSS e JS per evitare problemi di caching.
Main Entrance
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Login, register or recover password through a handy and safe form that you can easily place, through shortcode, in every page or post of your WordPres …
Mage Front End Forms
(7 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Create multiple Front End Post Forms for posts, pages and custom post types with complete custumizable form elements.
Sewn In Notifications
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)A centralized, application notification center for front end users.
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Simple , minimalistic plugin that lets you set different locale for frontend and backend.
Sewn In Post Delete
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)A very basic framework for deleting posts on the front end. Uses a nonce for security and checks capabilities to what a user has access to.
Frontend Post for Elementor
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin is extension for Elementor, it creates new widget called "Frontend Post" which you can use to provide functionality for frontend …
muv – Kundenkonto
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Dieses Plugin erweitert Ihren Internet-Auftritt um die Möglichkeit, Ihren Kunden ein Kundenkonto anzubieten. Kunden können sich registrieren, anmelden …
Front-end Categories
(3 एकूण मूल्यांकन)A tiny and super simple plugin for creating categories and sub-categories on the WordPress front-end using Ajax.
LH Logged In Static Frontpage
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Have a different static frontpage for logged in visitors
Forms actions
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Forms actions – plugin to realize form actions like send email, create post, pool requests. Now work only with ACF forms (in feauture with Ninja Forms …
Quick Press Widget
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)You can write a simple post in frontend without login to backend.
LH Recover Password
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Easily place a HTML5 password recovery form on the front end of your website
th23 User Management
(4 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Styled user management for login, register, user profile… – optional: user chosen passwords, e-mail validation, admin approval, reCaptcha and more
Tabbed Cats
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Show some subcategories in tabs based on CSS tabs only. tabbedcats @wpplugindevcom