प्लगइन टॅग: navigation
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)A slide-down widgetized area for your WordPress website which can be used for anything from shopping carts to a contact form to displaying tweets.
Simple Nested Menu
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin that displays menu items in a nested sliding style.
Mega Navify – The Ultimate Mega Menu Plugin
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Create stunning mega menus effortlessly with Mega Navify! Easy drag-and-drop, widget support, and customizable styles for your WordPress site.
SV Close Modal on Click Outside for Navigation Block
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The modal for the mobile menu of the navigation block is closed by default only when the burger icon is clicked. This single-purpose-plugin adds a sma …
Advanced Menu Icons
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Add custom SVG or image icons to WordPress menus. Customize icon size, position, color, and margins. Loads only used icons, optimizing site speed and …
Home Sweet Home
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Provides a panel on the Dashboard that provides an easy-to-find link to the site home page for lost new users.
Responsive Bold Navigation
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Add a cool and bold Responsive Menu in your WordPress site using Responsive Bold Navigation. It also supports Font Awesome Icons.
All Pages In Custommize: see all the pages in the Customize preview
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)It gives you the possibility to see every page in the Customize preview
Rotem Mortgage Calculator
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The plugin adds a simple mortgage calculator to your site.
WPjura Table of Contents
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin places a table of contents in posts to allow the direct jumping of headings.
Menu Iconset
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Menu Iconset is designed to add icon to WordPress navigation menu item. Copy any icon image url and paste url into Icon URL field.
Page navigation by menu
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Create navigation to next/previous pages similar to navigation for posts. Previous and next pages are determined from menu.
Responsive Mobile Menu
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Get a minimalistic off canvas mobile menu, it be set to be shown only on tablet, mobile phone, desktop and more.
LZ Scroll Bar
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)LZ Scroll Bar Up is an awesome, Super lightweight plugin for your wordpress website
Responsive Navigation Block
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Complete control over your navigation menus based on screen size including styles and menu items.