प्लगइन टॅग: post
First Post Link
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Adds commands that give you the permalink and title of the oldest post.
Simple WordPress Gallery PRO
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Overrides the standard WordPress gallery with a film-strip style one.
WP Post Status Notifications
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Configure email notifications for post/page status changes.
Latest Post Shortcode Slider
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The plugin is an extension for the Latest Post Shortcode plugin, and allows you to output the static or dynamical selection you make as a responsive s …
Crush Counter DiscordApp
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Fornece integração com algumas funcionalidades do DiscordApp. Gives integration with some DiscorApp Functionalities.
Tag This
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)"Tag This" is a wordpress plugin that allows the community to appropriately tag your posts. It does so by adding a small textbox below a pos …
Welcome Visitor
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Welcome-visitor is a wordpress plugin, which will welcome visitors help you to get more readers and more attention!
Jet QuickPress
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin allows the users to write simple posts outside the dashboard (just like QuickPress from the Dashboard). With Tiny MCE!
Easiest Imageshack Uploader
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin allows you to upload images to ImageShack.com directly from your posting screen. See http://anthony.strangebutfunny.
Markup to Featured Image
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Automatically set the featured image (formerly the post thumbnail) for a post based on custom markup in the body text.
Webgains Ads Widget
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Webgains Ads Widget gives you an ability to fetch ad units from Webgains API, and then display them on your site via widgets.
Awesome Headlines Generator
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)STOP Writing Headlines The Hard Way! Write SEO Friendly Headline Every Time – With This One Little Trick!
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Download freebie offers from FreebieSelect.com to your site and embed it to your site
Livejournal Crossposter Remix
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Automatically copies all posts to a LiveJournal or other LiveJournal-based blog (exclude text in shortcode [nocrosspost]smth[/nocrosspost] – buttons f …
Post Index Helpers
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)A variety of template tags related to the index/position of a post within a loop's listing of posts.