थीम्सची यादी

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थीम यादीत परत जा


ThemesDNA च्या सॊजन्यने

आवृत्ती: 1.0.3

शेवटचे अद्यावत: मार्च 17, 2024

सक्रिय स्थापना: 300+

PHP आवृत्ती: 5.6 किंवा उच्च

थीम मुख्यपृष्ठ

NeatBlog is clean and simple WordPress theme for personal websites, blogs and for writers. NeatBlog has responsive design, Customizer theme options, one-column layout, primary and secondary menus, sticky header, full and wide image alignments, RTL language support, 60+ social buttons, 3 columns footer and more. NeatBlog PRO version has color and font options, full or boxed layout types, layout width options, custom page templates, 3 header styles, news ticker, 1-6 columns footer, featured posts widgets, width/layout type/header style/footer style options for every post/page, settings panel for each post/page, unique header images for each post/page, post likes and post views, infinite scroll/load more feature, about and social widget, tabbed widget, more widget areas, 25+ share buttons, related posts with options and many useful features. Free version demo: https://demo.themesdna.com/neatblog/


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थीम आढळले नाही .भिन्न शोध घ्या.