प्लगइन टॅग: Verse
Logos Reftagger
(15 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Logos Reftagger turns Bible references into links to the verse on Biblia.com and adds tooltips with the text of the verse.
Bible Verse of the Day
(11 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Shows the daily inspiring Bible verse or a random Bible verse from DailyVerses.net. In English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, …
Bible Verse Display
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Lets you display either the verse of the day from Biblegateway, or a random verse from your favorites.
BibleLink Multilingual
(4 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This lightweight plugin makes Bible references on your website interactive and supports multiple languages.
Quran Gateway
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Display the Quran or its translation in different languages either verse by verse or whole surah along with audio streaming.
WP Audio Verse
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)The WP Audio Verse plugin help to publish Holy Quran, online course, holy bible, verse, sermons, lyrics, poem, Spoken English Course
Quran Shortcode
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Insert any Quranic text in your post easily by searching for a specific word or choosing the number of the verse and the number of the surah.
Reftagger Shortcode
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Reftagger Shortcode creates a button in the TinyMCE visual editor in Wordpress allowing you to easily add semantic Bible markup.
Versiculo del dia
(2 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Este plugins muestra un versiculo diario de la Santa Palabra de Dios, la biblia, por Bibliatodo.com
Verse Of The Day
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Displays a daily bible verse on your site, using a Verse of the Day RSS feed.
Verse of the Day
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)This plugin shows a daily verse of the Holy Word of God, the Bible, on Bibliatodo.com
Ayah of the Day WordPress Widget
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)It displays translation of a verse from Holy Quran(Muslim's holy book) on your blog sidebar.
Simple Bible Verse via Shortcode
(1 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Displays a Bible verse (KJV) based on the reference placed in a shortcode.
Scripture Cloud
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Creates a Scripture Cloud of referenced Bible verses in your blog.
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)BibleScriptureTagger Creates a hover for Bible references and reveals the verse text and provides a link for further study at the Bible Portal.
Gita Verses and Quotes
(0 एकूण मूल्यांकन)Display beautiful verses from Gita on your website using shortcode and widget. Use shortcode [gita-quote] to display randomly generated Gita verses in …