Blocks CSS: CSS Editor for Gutenberg Blocks


Blocks CSS allows you add custom CSS to your Blocks straight from the Block Editor (Gutenberg).

It adds a syntax-highlighted CSS Editor where you can add additional CSS to your Gutenberg Blocks to style them the way you want.


  • CSS Editor
  • CSS Editor


जुलै 24, 2024 1 उत्तर
“Essential, Useful Tool, Completes the Block Editor, Should be part of the core,” The one thing they don’t mention is how quick and genuinely concerned the support is.
सप्टेंबर 26, 2023 1 उत्तर
Can’t think of Block Editor without this. Tiny powerful thing. Only thing I hate in this plugin is the following line: $render_css = empty( $file_name ) || strpos( $file_name, ‘post-v2’ ) === false; This means if you deactivate Otter, your content might just break 🙁
ऑक्टोबर 5, 2022 1 उत्तर
it does exactly what it should. then, since the css is linked to each block, it can only be set on him the flaw is that you cannot set it on all blocks with the same class. but I don’t think it’s designed for that.
सर्व 22 पुनरावलोकने वाचा

योगदानकर्ते आणि विकसक

“Blocks CSS: CSS Editor for Gutenberg Blocks” हे मुक्त स्रोत सॉफ्टवेअर आहे. पुढील लोक या प्लगइनच्या निर्मितीत योगदान केले आहे.


“Blocks CSS: CSS Editor for Gutenberg Blocks” 8 लोकॅलसमध्ये भाषांतरित केले आहे. अनुवादकांना त्यांच्या योगदानाबद्दल धन्यवाद.

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